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Wearing the Cross-pollinator’s Glasses to Design for Surprises

We live in a world that often values predictability. But what if we embraced the unexpected? Challenge Card 021 from the Arplaytecture deck challenges us to shift our perspective: "As if you were a child, let yourself be surprised and inspired by unexpected user-related discoveries." This fresh approach can help us eliminate assumptions and lead to innovative solutions.
Challenge card "Design for surprises" from Arplaytecture deck
Photo background by Kayla Farmer on Unsplash

Table of Contents

Empathise: Look for Contradictions and Hidden Insights

Define: Reframe the Problem around Surprises

Once you’ve gathered insights, shift from conventional to imaginative framing:

Create: Playfully Brainstorm Surprises

Prototype: Let the Artefact Surprise You

Test: Observe the Reactions

What do users say and don’t say?
Did the prototype spark joy, curiosity, or engagement?
How can the design evolve to maximise the impact of the unexpected?
Does their feedback surprise you in some way? Do they highlight something you hadn’t seen before?

Cultivating Surprises Through Cross-Pollination

Discover patterns and metaphors from varied fields:

How can an underwater environment inspire a sense of a floating promenade in a cultural space?
Could intuitive pedestrian flows in urban spaces inform circulation in public buildings?

Blend insights and disparate ideas to create transformative surprises:

Borrow strategies from how children arrange furniture when playing to design engaging co-working spaces.
Use modular seating innovations from small apartments to enhance public spaces.


  1. Kelley, T., Kelley, D. (2013). Creative Confidence. Unleashing the creative potential within us. London: HarperCollins Publishers, p. 104. ↩︎
  2. Kelley, T., Littman, J. (2010). Las diez caras de la innovación. Barcelona: Paidós, p. 101. ↩︎

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