discover Arplaytecture cards
disruptive cards for co-creation
arplaytecture cards

join the magic circle

the water challenge project
playful benches

After warming up with the departure cards, choose a challenge card randomly (thinking of a number, using dice, or just stopping the carousel where you feel you have to do it). The five stages of the design process where the challenge card can be helpful are indicated, but only as a suggestion (feel free to use the challenge cards as you prefer!) Then, embrace the proposed challenge by role-playing the assigned innovation role. You can consult the role cards to know the innovation roles’ main features if needed. Let’s play!!!

1. Empathise

The stage to observe the user; engage with them; immerse in their environment.

2. Define

The stage to identify and select the challenge to work with, based on the Empathise stage's insights.

3. Create

The stage to explore and propose design solutions.

4. Prototype

The stage to make the ideas tangible.

5. Test

The iterative stage of gathering feedback and improving the design solutions.